Naoki Okazaki (The University of Tokyo, Japan),
Yutaka Matsuo (Cyber Assist Research Center AIST Tokyo Waterfront,
Japan, Japan)
and Mitsuru Ishizuka (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Multi-document summarization is a challenge to infor-mation overload problem to provide a condensed text for a number of documents. Most multi-document summarization systems make use of extraction techniques (e.g., important sentence extraction) and compile a summary from the se-lected information. However, sentences gathered from mul-tiple sources are not organized as a comprehensible text. Therefore, it is important to consider sentence ordering of extracted sentences in order to reconstruct discourse struc-ture in a summary. We propose a novel method to plan a coherent arrangement of sentences extracted from multiple newspaper articles. Results of our experiment show that sentence reordering has a discernible effect on summary readability. The results also shows signi.cant improvement on sentence arrangement compared to former methods.