9 August, 2004
Room C
Auckland Hotel
83 Symonds Street, Auckland, New Zealand
Tel: +64 9 379 5132
Fax: +64 9 377 9367
Programs (with abstracts & papers),
Programs in PDF
Workshop Themes: [What is a Language
Sense and how to express and deal with it on computers?]
We roughly defined a language sense to show an affective or
psychological aspects of language.
Then, ``language sense'' will inspire such a language that
includes an emotion, that enchants us, that is artistic, ... etc.
We want to express a type of non-logical feelings in language.
Recently, computers have been able to deal with human language. However,
computers can deal with only superficial or structural aspects of human
language by the methods based on grammatical theories.
We will be at the start line to deal with ``intention,'' ``affection'' or
``emotion'' etc. that will be naturally possessed by human language.
As a result of boom in internet, multimedia is thought of
as an important
factor in communication. However, recently, ``words'' have been thought
of as more important factor than multimedia such as pictures.
In the environment like the internet, ``words'' are thought of not only as
media that communicate information (as defined in the classical interpretation
of communication), but also as affective / sensitive
media that have been utilised in advertisement.
In fact, recently they have reached to think ``word'' will be more
important than image in advertisements.
Workshop perspective
In this workshop, we would like to discuss several problems dealing with
a language sense on computers and applications dealing with a language sense.
In some research fields such as Language Sense processing Engineering (LSE),
Literature in Cognition and Computer (LCC), and Computer mediated
Communication and Community (CmCC), problems dealing with a language
sense on computers have been discussed and some applications have also
Since a language sense has been defined from Japanese language
viewpoint, first, we would like to re-characterize a language sense (it
might be the same as previous one), find the new feature of a language
sense. Then, we would like to discuss the usage of it from various
We would like to focus on theories, computational and human
models to deal with a language sense, and applications that make use of
a feature of language sense.
Thus, we would like to discuss computational, affective,
psychological, artistic and cognitive
aspects of language from an interdisciplinary viewpoint (i.e. AI and
other fields).
Topics to be discussed (will not be restricted to):
Suggested themes
- Affective computing.
- Feature of a language sense.
- affective or emotional aspects of language.
- cognitive model of understanding of a language sense.
- theories for dealing with a language sense.
- Problems in dealing with a language sense.
- theories for dealing with a language sense.
- computational models for dealing with a language sense.
- Generation and design of language (sense).
- computational inspiration by Words.
- computational humour.
- cognitive model of artistic creation.
- design of words (e.g. catch copies for advertisement etc.)
- information design.
- analysis of effects of words in various field like advertisement.
- Feature of literature
- theories for a generation of literature.
- Problems in dealing with literature.
- Generation and design of literature.
- theories for a generation of literature.
- computational models for a generation of literature.
- word-plays on computers or internet.
- visualised effects of words.
- Features of communication
- features in the internet communication.
- analysis of a language sense in the society.
- Problems in dealing with communication
- Generation and design of communication
- language sense for communication.
- advertising communication.
- etc.
Previous sessions (for reference)
Submissions are invited on previously unpublished research.
The page format is open. And the length of papers is recommended to be 8 to
10 pages long.
For LaTex users: latex8.sty can be used.
(sample: latex8.tex)
The papers can be submitted to:
- Akinori Abe
- ATR (ave@ultimaVI.arc.net.my)
Important Dates:
- June 1, 2004: Submission deadline of papers
- June 24, 2004: Notification of acceptance of papers.
- July 2, 2004: Deadline for camera-ready papers
- August 9 or 10, 2004: Workshop
All submissions will be reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality,
significance, soundness and clarity. At least two referees will review
each submission independently.
All accepted papers will be published in the Workshop Proceedings.
Akinori Abe (ATR Intelligent Robotics and Communication Lab.)
2-2-2, Hikaridai, Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-0288 JAPAN
E-mail: ave@ultimaVI.arc.net.my
Program Committee:
- Maya Ando (Keio University, Japan)
- Kim Binsted (Information and Computer Sciences Department at the
University of Hawaii, USA)
- Kaname Kasahara (NTT Communication Science Labs., JAPAN)
- Kazumitsu Matsuzawa (Kanagawa University, Japan, JAPAN)
- Takashi Ogata (Yamanashi University, JAPAN)
- Hiroko Otsuka (The Institute of Behavioral Science, JAPAN)