
Emerging Scenarios by Using DDM: A Case Study for Japanese Comic Marketing

Hiroshi Tamura(1), (2), (5), Yuichi Washida(1), (3), (5), Yukio Ohsawa(4), (5)
(1)Hakuhodo Inc., Japan
(2)Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan
(3)Comparative Media Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
(4)Graduate School of Business Sciences, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan
(5)Chance Discovery Consortium, Kansai Univ., Japan

In this paper, we proposed a supportive framework for scenario emergence by using a novel diffusion model called DDM aiming to provide effective methodologies for marketing of innovative products. We also applied the framework to Japanese comic market as a case study. At the case study, we could obtain five remarkable works and a scenario including how the market forming a stream with these works. The scenario was beyond assumption of the domain experts as novelty, and therefore it works for them to recognize the hidden chance for utilization.