6th International Workshop on Chance Discovery (IWCD6)
in IJCAI2011

16-18 July 2011
Workshops will take place at the Universitat de Barcelona.
Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain)

program with abstract+photo New!!
papers New!!

Workshop Themes: [Chance Discovery: Curation of Chance and Service Science]

Chance Discovery is the discovery of chance, rather than discovery by chance. A ``chance" here means a new event/situation that can be conceived either as an opportunity or as a risk in the future. The ``discovery" of chances is of crucial importance since it may have a significant impact on human decision making. Desirable effects of opportunities should be actively promoted, whereas preventive measures should be taken in the case of discovered risks. In other words, chance discovery aims to provide means for inventing or surviving the future, rather than simply predicting the future.
This workshop will discuss several problems in Chance Discovery. As shown, Chance Discovery is a research to study how to discover rare or novel events causing potentially significant situation. Although the event itself could not be significant. A chance might be computationally or manually discovered. Thus, advanced computational techniques such as abduction and induction (including data mining) could be applied to Chance Discovery. In addition, personalised and very traditional (sometimes, manual) data mining method could also be effective in Chance Discovery. We have discussed limitations of conventional data mining methods. And many new computational methods, and concepts and mechanisms of human discovery have been proposed. In the contexts, we have discussed how to discover and suggest events causing significant but hidden events. Our common understandings are that we deal with events in the real world, therefore, we need to have knowledge about movement in a society, behaviour of people, as well as computational methods. In addition, it is important to discuss effective chance evaluation, selection, and suggestion methods. It would be a gate for fantastic and innovative applications. Thus, we would like to discuss from logical, computational, cognitive, sociological, economical and psychological viewpoints. Model-based reasoning (MBR) has also been dealing with such applications as creative changes, scientific discovery and conceptual change. MBR combines many research fields such as philosophy, artificial intelligence, cognitive psychology, and logic (including abduction) for modeling and model retrieval. MBR deals with model which can be applied to suggest or discover a chance. Contributions from MBR is very important for chance discovery, and we have the same viewpoints and problems.
In addition, we would like to discuss ``curation'' of chance. We have started discussion on ``curation'' of chance since 5th International Workshop on Chance Discovery (IWCD5). Traditionally, curation is not only concerned with long-term care of books, paintings or other artefacts. It is also about maintaining their integrity and enabling and promoting their availability to appropriate audiences ( As shown above, for chance discovery, we have focused on strategies to discover rare or novel events and those to present hints of chance to users. By curation, we add a more active action to chance discovery, which curators usually struggle to explicitly or implicitly express extended or hidden meanings (values) to potential audiences.
In addiition, as an actual application of chance discovery, we focus on service science. In midst of service applications in engineering and the increasing importance of the service sector in the global economy, services are being scientific and much attention is being focused on service science as a means to improve productivity. Since services are amorphous (they have no shape) and have the special characteristic of simultaneously causing both production and consumption, it has been difficult to research services in a scientific way. However recently, due to the spread of the internet and technical innovations in sensor networks, huge amounts of data related to all kinds of service activities and processes are being collected, and a new frontier of service research is starting to appear. Thus for service science, we will focus on empirical findings, methodological, theoretical, and conceptual insights related to chance discovery in the field of various service application areas. Of course, as you can guess, service science can be discussed from the viewpoint of curation.

Topics to be discussed (will not be restricted to):

Actually, we are waiting for new research fields or proposals (not included in the above list) which might be related to or contribute to chance discovery.

Important date:


Paper submissions should be limited to a maximum of 6 pages in the IJCAI conferene paper format.
Papers can be submitted to Akinori Abe ( and Yukio Ohsawa(


All submissions will be reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality, significance, soundness and clarity. At least three referees will review each submission independently.


Accepted papers will be published in the conference workshop proceedings (CD-ROM) by the IJCAI2011 and accorded oral presentation times in the main conference.


Akinori Abe
NTT Communication Science Laboratories
3-1 Wakamiya, Morinosato, Atsugi-shi, Kanagawa 243-0198 JAPAN
Yukio Ohsawa
The University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-8656 JAPAN

Program Committee (will be added more):

Special information

We plan to publish a book or a journal special issue on Chance Discovery (Springer verlag) based on contributions in this workshop and the other workshops.

Related workshop

Decision Making in Partially Observable, Uncertain Worlds: Exploring Insights from Multiple Communities (18 July)
Their aspect of computation on well defined models and our aspect on ill- or semi-defined human models (i.e., we will be on the way of modelliing human's process to chance discovery almost eternally) are good to communicate via weak tie, as we find in the subtitle ``Exploring Insights from Multiple Communities''.....

Previous Chance Discovery Workshops