Gauravkumar V. Raval and Amitava Pal
Department of CS and IT Engineering, S.S.V.P.S College of Engineering, India
This paper deals with the recent trend in the technical research in the bio-electric branch working on building Human-Machine Interface (HMI) using machine learning techniques. Computer-related technology shows great promise for the future is bionic implants. Advances ha ve been made in detecting neural signals and converting them into command signals that can control devices. We have tried to discuss the upcoming and recent technologies for bionic implantation regarding brain, ear and eye. Here we have described "Prosthe sis" on the basis of a heterogeneous integration of a 100-element MEMS electrode array, front-end CMOS, analog-to-digital conversion, and a second CMOS integrated circuit for wireless transmission of neural data and conditioning of wireless power.