
Silent Knowns, Bricolage, and Chance-Seeking

Emanuele Bardone
Tallinn University, Estonia

As an opportunity whose real impact will be assessed in the future, a chance deals with what we know, but also with what we do not know. This paper is meant to be a theoretical analysis on the relationship between what we know and what we do not know -- knowledge and ignorance -- and how they are related to chance-seeking. Indeed, knowledge and ignorance are not two distinct and separate domains, but they actively influence each other. In exploring how that happens, we will illustrate the notion of silent knowns. Building on L\'{e}vi-Strauss' contribution on the matter, we will show how silent knowns are phenomenologically coupled with the activity of the chance-seeker as a bricoleur. We will list five elements characterizing the chance-seeker as a bricoleur, in which this connection appears to be theoretically fruitful, namely, open-endedness, historicity, narrativity, antifragility, and situatedness.

He did not appear.......