Special Issue of
"Intelligent Systems with Chance Discovery"
from the KES Jourrnal (

Guest Editors: Yukio Ohsawa, Akinori Abe

Guest Editors and the KES journal welcome your contributions for a Special Issue on Chance Discovery!!

In a number of different areas, researchers in Artificial Intelligence became recently interested in events or situations that affect human decision making in that they are viewed as opportunities or risks. A chance is such a rare event or a situation, which provides opportunities or risks for human decision making or problem solving. Noticing such an event is described as discovery of a chance. Therefore Chance Discovery can be characterized in terms of becoming aware of a chance, and explaining its significance.
The essential aspect of a chance is that it can be the seed of new and significant changes in the near future. In this issue, submissions are encouraged to contribute to topics where an intelligent system achieving chance discovery is realized or discussed. The ability of a system to discover chances builds a significant dimension to intelligence.

We are expecting contributions of theories and methodologies on

Of particular interest are

However, we do not restrict your submissions to these expectable categories. Contributions may be made from any area of Information Sciences such as Artificial Intelligence, Creativity Research, Economics, Business Administration, Risk Management, Operation Research, Linguistics, Mathematics, Physics, Bio-sciences and Psychology.
Furthermore we invite applications of these theories and methods. Examples of previous applications include

Submissions with an emergent new applications and methods are highly welcome.

Submission: All the papers must be submitted through the online paper submission (PROSE) system found on the journal web site, so that they can be submitted to the normal KES Journal review process. Authors must submit a summary to PROSE, which must carry the following words at the top " Paper submitted for a special edition on Intelligent Systems with Chance Discovery.
Guest Editors: Yukio Ohsawa and Akinori Abe.
Format: Papers should be written to correspond to the format instructions contained on the Journal web site. Draft papers must be submitted in PDF format. Editable word processor files in MS Word, Latex, or other acceptable format will be required for final papers to enable type-setting to be carried out by the publishers. Try not to exceed 12 pages in a final version (KES journal does not provide us special style files and says ``Please use the standard Article.sty file as style file.'' For reference, printed papers will be organized in two columns (7.5cm x 21.5cm field x 2: 50 lines x 2, 10pt)). This is not strict, but an overlength might be reflected to rejection.


Prof. Yukio Ohsawa
Department of Quantum Engineering and Systems Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-8656 JAPAN
Dr. Akinori Abe
ATR Knowledge Science Labs.
2-2-2, Hikaridai, Seika-cho Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-0288 JAPAN